miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017


This is my second semester of my first year of university so I still don’t have a complete opinion about my career and faculty but I can tell you some stuff that maybe we have to consider:

Our current study program is balanced between classes and laboratory hours from the first year which makes our education integral and we become familiar with our career themes.
While there is a standard in the duration of the career of approximately 5 to 5 1/2 years, the length of studies is too much and is linked to the market since most university students must pay for their education.

Regarding the infrastructure, I feel we use a minimum of space and everything else is administrative offices or teachers and the conditions of the rooms aren’t the best compared to other faculties belonging to the University of Chile.
In the faculty only four races are taught but there are times where computers or the library doesn’t reach for everyone but we have to accommodate as we can.
I have had time to talk with my friends who are in other universities and they have more career-oriented courses than us. Although the academic load is undoubtedly very large, it would be good to be able to complement it with a different activity so that our day is not so stressful.

The cfg should be more varied and allow to develop us in other completely different areas to which we are oriented.
Our faculty has a big problem in case of school accidents. The stairs are not safe, the elevator never works and in general the accident insurance is terrible. So, pay attention to that!

Although I wrote about all the faults that my faculty has and even if you don't believe me, I am happy where I am studying and I feel comfortable with what I am doing.

3 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you me too feel that we use the minimum of the our space but sometimes this space don´t are adventage

  2. I agree with you, the library should be bigger to the amount of students in this faculty! Great post!

  3. It is true that in infrastructure, our faculty is not the best. but it has been improved a lot.
    You have no idea how it was a few years ago!


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