miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

English Language Challenges

Although I had already done blogs last semester, the topics of this semester were more fun and I enjoyed the experience a lot. Even though that we were few in this section of English but it was interesting to know about my classmates and know a little about them.

The classes were very educational and I loved them! Even though it was Friday and we go out late, I enjoy a lot and I learned even more. My favorite activity was the Simpsons! When we had to play to giving directions in the iconic places of Springfield! It was a very innovative activity!

My biggest problem in this subject is that I understand very well the American English but there isn't the same with the British English. It's very difficult for me to understand it! I think I'll start to see more series where this type of English is spoken to familiarize me with his accent and his strange way of speaking.

Outside the English class the only instance where I practice my grammar is on twitter. I have a personal account where I follow many English speakers and interact with them. It's fun and sometimes I ask for help when I don't know how to express an idea. But no doubt where I most listen to people talking in English is in our classes. Also on youtube! I'm a faithful follower of beauty channels and the most of my beauty bloggers are English speakers, so i have to be aware of everything!

No doubt knowing English at the university is very necessary and some criticize that this isn't the English that we needed for our level but I think that is the point of having four levels of English that at least we all reach the same level of English at the end of the second year of the career. And at least to me, the English marks help me a lot to raise my average! Also to learn English there must be the desire to learn and find alternatives because there are many possibilities on the internet to learn. So it is from each one the task of learning!

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

My bucket list

I’m a list fanatic; in particular, I’m a lover of bucket lists and I have to accept that every so often I make short wish lists for the summer or for the semester and if you see my bedroom I have a list for everything, but I have never thought about making one like a recount of all the things I want to do, see and experience before I die.

Three years ago, when I start to decide that I wanted to study when I would finish high school, I started to want to study chemistry and pharmacy. Since then I fought very hard, I tried with all my might and here I am. I hadn´t idea that here it would be worse but, until now, I am surviving. It was difficult to prepare me for the test because I had to go to school from the morning and in the evening I did a course that deepened me in the topics that would come out on the test. So when I came to my home, I was so tired for the next school day.

An area that I am very passionate about it, is the theme of the shows like concerts, theater plays, etc. I love them so I would like to work in an event production company or study "organization and production of events" or something like that. However, that will be in many years more because now I'm so stressful so I can´t to do something more.

My adventurous spirit it would like to practice skydiving, experience the Weightlessness, practice rafting, jump from bungee jumping, among others.
I would like to do all those crazy things with my best friend. I feel we are the same and we like to do the extreme things because we only live once so I would choose her.

When I finish my studies and have enough money, I would like to travel a lot and start to do all the activities that are impossible to do while I'm at the university. I did that for now, to save money and long for to practice some this summer!

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017


This is my second semester of my first year of university so I still don’t have a complete opinion about my career and faculty but I can tell you some stuff that maybe we have to consider:

Our current study program is balanced between classes and laboratory hours from the first year which makes our education integral and we become familiar with our career themes.
While there is a standard in the duration of the career of approximately 5 to 5 1/2 years, the length of studies is too much and is linked to the market since most university students must pay for their education.

Regarding the infrastructure, I feel we use a minimum of space and everything else is administrative offices or teachers and the conditions of the rooms aren’t the best compared to other faculties belonging to the University of Chile.
In the faculty only four races are taught but there are times where computers or the library doesn’t reach for everyone but we have to accommodate as we can.
I have had time to talk with my friends who are in other universities and they have more career-oriented courses than us. Although the academic load is undoubtedly very large, it would be good to be able to complement it with a different activity so that our day is not so stressful.

The cfg should be more varied and allow to develop us in other completely different areas to which we are oriented.
Our faculty has a big problem in case of school accidents. The stairs are not safe, the elevator never works and in general the accident insurance is terrible. So, pay attention to that!

Although I wrote about all the faults that my faculty has and even if you don't believe me, I am happy where I am studying and I feel comfortable with what I am doing.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017


The summer before, I went north specifically to Antofagasta so now I would like to go south maybe Villarica, Pucón or near of it.  I would like go to vacation with my parents but my mom has physical limitations that don’t allow her to go on vacation and my father doesn’t have a stable job so he can’t stop working. So, all my travels are with my aunt and cousin. We are three adventurers who love to walk and meet new places.

As I don’t know anything of that place would obviously start with places known as the eyes of Caburgua, Lake Villarrica, Lake Tinquilco, Salto Del Claro or some of the hot springs that are there.

If I really manage to go south, it would be really fun to practice water skiing or those extreme water games like flyboard. It's been a long time since I wanted to practice it and I hope this summer I can do it.

I don’t rule out the possibility of going to the beaches of the coast because the night atmosphere is interesting and you can do many activities.

Maybe this summer I'll go on vacation with my friends from high school but it's a big challenge to agree in the stuff that we will take or the places that we will visit so there we will see.

This summer I don’t plan to work or study, NO WAY! Tell me lazy but I need a long time of rest!


miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

Back to the Past

I had never taken moment to reflect about it but I would probably go to the future. I would be very interested to know what I will be doing in a few more years, if I will have a family, if I will be working on something related to my career, if I will be working on what I want, if I will be happy and if I will have fulfilled my dreams.

If I would come back to the past I choose my childhood probably when I was 7/8. When I was that age, I lost my grandfather and he's the reason why I still fighting every day. He was a so special person for me, in a fact still he's my person, and I always remember him like a person who made me happy. I just want to be there to remember all the happy moments that we spent and the crazy stuff that we did together, so I know he's always with me so I wouldn't be that long in my childhood. I make many bad decisions that I would like to change and I and past for many situations that I would like to past again.

I think in the past I was very permissive, I never said NO. Many people were so rude with me and hurted me a lot for the insecurity that projected and the lack of love for myself. Now, I’m a different person and all that situations made me stronger and helped me to learn to love myself.

miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017


I have to accept that before I came university I researched the postgraduate courses that this university imparts and none really serves me. As I told you in the last blog, of all the areas in which a pharmaceutical chemist can work, I am passionate about the cosmetic area. For that reason, I don't see myself in a postgraduate course.

However, in my research, I found other options that are equal to or better than that. So I'll tell you a little bit about them today.

If you are studying chemistry and pharmacy, you will probably remember the talks given by many pharmaceutical chemists who were specialists in different areas. Well, I told my situation to Miss Ivon Abuawad (if you don't remember her, I'll give you a little description: curly hair, blonde, President of Directorate of the Cosmetic Chamber of Chile)
She helped me a lot and told me about some courses of cosmetic specialties that are made in Argentina. Then I found out on their website about them and they have so many courses! Each one is to specialize in one area of the body so when you finish one basically you're an expert.

Obviously, I will look for some opportunities in the cosmetic laboratories in Chile like Petrizzio, Etienne, Colorbel,  Lacofar or something by style. Therefore, if nothing convinces me I will have to migrate for following my dreams. 

If you want to study something like what I want it must be a face-to-face study and most of the time in a laboratory so if you like how it sounds, I invite you to follow me on my journey.

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

My future job

The job of my dreams probably would be work in a beauty company. Since I was a teenager, I always liked things related to beauty for hair, face, body but mainly makeup stuffs. I can imagine me doing everything in the beauty industry, from creating a product until design the packaging of it. Obviously, I would be better in something related to my actual career but I could learn a lot on the road. I would like to work in a different country, yes, I’m very close to my parents but it would be a challenge that I would like to do. 
 I would prefer an indoor job although if you work in a beauty company you have to travel a lot so it would be different to my preference but it’s OK.
As usual, all the jobs in the beauty industry are well paid because all is “trend and sell” so the salary it would be very good.

Nowadays I’m studying chemistry and pharmacy and the reason why I chose this career was because since I had 15 I started to like the “cosmetics world” and since that, I couldn’t go out. So this career gives me the possibilities to know more about it and learn all about my passion.

The world of cosmetics is very diverse and every day are appearing new formulas and products that revolutionize the markets. Maybe someday I'll be able to give my contribution in that world and try to work on what I want. So let’s wait and see what happens in the future.

English Language Challenges

Although I had already done blogs last semester, the topics of this semester were more fun and I enjoyed the experience a lot. Even though ...